
Hello all. I'm an artist/gardener. My intention is to feel about my art making as I do when I'm working in the garden--focused, peaceful and connected. I'm convinced that there are deep historical connections between the garden and creating and my work continues that tradition. I'm presently focused on the places where domesticity and wildness meet. In my mind, it's all one thing.
Please feel free to leave comments for me. I'd love to hear from you.

Here we Go Now

It is finally time for me to get in the greenhouse every day. I'm working on a new garden project with my friends Jill and David. We are growing heirloom and open pollinated vegetable and herb starts to sell at Farmers Market. I always sell tomatoes and peppers, herbs and flowers but we're doing a bigger variety. The intention is to be able to offer people some of the genetic seed treasure that heirloom & OP varieties contain. The recipients of our project will be able to save the seed from these plants and start or continue their own heirloom seed collections. I'll be posting our list soon, once everything has germinated.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Missoula Art Walk

My lovely teenager took me on a tour of some of Missoula's outdoor art exhibits.  We started in our neighborhood where there is an art wall.  People post  their work on a fence.  If they leave something, the deal is that they can take something.  I put something up but it's gone now--I wonder about the life its leading in someones house somewhere--where are you sunshine orange morning meditation painting?


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